No war in Ukraine

Ile des Perversions

3 Responses

  1. First, thanks for the great comics and manga.

    Your site has been targeted. When you try to access from a linked site, oh, say, Hentai Rules, there is a huge warning from Google charging Bondage Comix as an attack site for malware and other viruses, etc. Then, on another reroute from Google, there is information regarding an investigation into the charges and that they are unfounded. This is not my first encounter with the prudes of the world. I wish they would find another crusade. And that is what this is, a literal crusade against what “they” determine adults can and cannot see and do. Why are they so interested in what goes on in someone else’s mind? My fetishes are fine with me and the other consenting adults who indulge in the same fantasies and fetishes. Leave us alone.
    Good luck getting the moral prudes off your back and your website

    1. Thx mate.
      It’s obviously coming from the ads of the blog, which I don’t control since it’s a free blogging platform.
      u can use the following link if you want to get rid of the warnings :
      But never loose the redirect since this is the only stable URL you will ever get for my site.
      Or maybe not if I try a real host someday…

  2. Thx mate.
    It’s obviously coming from the ads of the blog, which I don’t control since it’s a free blogging platform.
    u can use the following link if you want to get rid of the warnings :
    But never loose the redirect since this is the only stable URL you will ever get for my site.
    Or maybe not if I try a real host someday…

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